Why I am no
longer a Christian
John C-M Waller
Christian history & Jewish
history have followed two parallels; the history of either cannot be understood
without the history of the other. This is in no way exhaustive, as each of
these topics can stand alone as discussion pieces.
Christianity teaches that “Mosaic
Law” or “Old law/Old Testament law” is done away with. That Jesus nailed it to
the cross and we are under ‘faith’. (Galatians 3:25 - Now that faith has come, we are no longer
under the supervision of the law)
The messiah & the apostles taught
from the torah (which is the “old testament law”/ “mosaic law”). So to take in
account of what they were teaching and the scriptures they quoted from, would
be to understand the torah. People quote different scriptures of Apostles to
conclude (attempt) that we are no longer under the law, but the Apostles did
not quote themselves on matters in which they used scripture, they quoted from
the torah (the law). The Messiah even quoted from the torah http://www.jewsforjesus.org/publications/newsletter/september-2008/05 and he used the torah against Satan when he
was tempted. The Messiah himself said 17 “Do not think
that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish
them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth
disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any
means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. 19 Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least
of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the
kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be
called great in the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 5:17-20) And the
Messiah himself followed the Torah, and to the Pharisees he said, “You have a fine way of setting aside the commands of Yahuah
in order to observe your own traditions.” (Mark 7:9). The Apostles also
never said to do away with the torah. (Romans 3:31) (Acts 21:21-24) (James
2:12) (1 John 3:4) (Romans 2:12–16) (Romans 7:12) (Romans 8:7–8) (Galatians 5:3) (Acts 25:8)
The New Covenant theology or the “Law
of Christ” states that this either "replaces" or
"completes" or "fulfills" the previous Law of Moses,
which is what most Christians believe. First of all, the definition of theology
is ‘a supposition (an uncertain belief) or a system of ideas intended to
explain something’. A synonym for supposition is hypothesis (a proposition made
without any assumption of its truth). So we can now say theology is ‘a
proposition made without any assumption of its truth intended to explain
something’. The New Covenant
THEORY has been taken to by most, just like most scientific theories; people
just assume they are true, even though you really can’t prove it (such as the
Big Bang theory). This Law of Christ theory can’t be proved based on the
scriptures because, while the New Testament records several unique sayings of
The Messiah that may be described as
"commandments”, it only records 1 that he explicitly identified as
such. This is in John 13:34
“Love one another. As I have loved you,
so you must love one another.” So Christ never gave any new Laws or Commandments to “replace” any
Mosaic Laws.
Christianity does not acknowledge the
“Scattered Tribes of Israel”. We are led to believe that those occupying Israel
today are the descendants of the Patriarchs
When asked about the nation of
Israel, people think and refer to the Nation State of Israel, which those
occupying that land claim to be Jews/Hebrew/Israelites. But when the Most
High’s people did not follow Him nor his commands, He said this would happen,
“Then Yahuah will scatter
you among all the nations, from one end of the earth to the other. There
you will worship other mighty ones – mighty ones of wood & stone, which
neither you nor your ancestors have known.” (Deut 28:64) [All of Deut 28 and
other scriptures]. And from reading the rest of the Old Testament, we know that
Yahuah’s people constantly worshipped other mighty ones, so He turned away from
Israel as they were conquered and invaded many times. During these times many
groups of Israelites relocated to different parts around the region, in lieu of
being killed or sold into slavery (i.e. the Jewish-Roman wars) and eventually
migrated into deeper parts of the world (mainly Africa). In the New Testament,
James writes “To the 12 tribes scattered among the nations.” (James 1:1). Back to the curse of
disobedience, it says Israel will be scattered among ALL NATIONS FROM ONE END
OF THE EARTH TO THE OTHER. Africa, Europe, & Asia are land locked and one
can travel by caravan to either of those countries (or nations). The scriptures
also say “Yahuah will send you back in ships to Egypt (confinement) on a
journey I said you should never make again. Therefore you will offer yourselves
for sale to your enemies as male and female slaves” (Deut 28:68). There are a
documented group of Africans sold as slaves in the trans-Atlantic slave trade,
that were sold to a “New World”, that was not land locked to Africa, Europe, or
Asia, and were converted to Christianity to worship a ‘Jesus’ they had not
known. Subsequently people of color have been cursed, enslaved, and subjected
to injustice all over the world.
those who are occupying the State of Israel have taken the religion,
traditions, customs, the look, language, and land of the (original) Israelites.
The scriptures read, “I know the slander of those who say they are Judeans
(Jews) and are not, but are the Synagogue of Satan.” (Rev 2:9)
Former Egyptian President
Gamal Abdel Nasser (1952) “The Europeans claiming to be Jews are nothing more
than Hebrew speaking Gentiles. You (the Jews) will never be able to live here
in peace, because you left here black but came back white. We cannot accept
Christianity Does not use the TRUE sacred
name of the Father & his son the Messiah
Christianity does not use
the real name of the Father, Yahuah (YHUH/YAH for short) or the real name of
his son the Messiah, Yahusha. The likeness of Yahuah has been replaced by the
title of LORD or the name GOD. LORD is not a name but a title, and was also
interchangeable with the name Baal (Bel), who was a Babylonian deity. GOD
(spelled GAD but pronounced ‘GAWD’ or ‘GOD’) is a Syrian/ Canaanite deity.
Isaiah prophesized about this (Isaiah 65:11-12).The actual scriptures translate
“But as for you who forsake Yahuah and forget my holy mountain, who spread a
table for Gad and fill bowls of mixed wine for Meni. I will destine you for the
sword, and all of you will fall in the slaughter; for I called but you did not
answer, I spoke but you did not listen.” Yahusha the Messiah has his likeness
replaced by (white) Jesus. The majority of the names, places, and even the
names of the books in the bible have been altered from their original Hebrew
spelling and pronunciation. [http://www.studylight.org/lexicons/hebrew/hwview.cgi?n=1408 press play under phonetics to hear how
Gad is pronounced]
picture is from the Dead Sea Scrolls (the oldest written copies of the
scriptures). The majority of the text is written in Hebrew, but the 4 letter Tetragrammaton
of YHUH is written in Paleo-Hebrew to keep the original name of the Most High
in the scriptures. Not even the writers of the Dead Sea scrolls dared change
the name of Yahuah. But in the Hebrew text of the Talmud, it can be seen that
the Pharisees for 1) took out the holy name of Yahuah, and 2) burned evidence
of some of what was the New Testament in the Hebrew text!
from http://www.come-and-hear.com/shabbath/shabbath_116.html in the 4th paragraph: “It was stated in the
text: The blank spaces and the Books of the
Minim (books of heresy, i.e some of what we call the New Testament) we may not
save them from a fire. R. Jose said: On weekdays one must cut out the Divine Names which they
contain, hide them,17
and burn the rest.”
Taken from http://reluctant-messenger.com/Gods-sacred-name.htm Here
is what the noted Encyclopedia Judaica says about this issue: "The true
pronunciation of the name YHWH was never lost. Several early Greek writers of
the Christian Church testify that the name was pronounced ‘Yahweh.’ This is
confirmed, at least for the vowels of the first syllable of the name, by the
shorter form Yah, which is sometimes used in poetry (e.g., Ex. 15:2) and the
yahu or yah that serves as the final syllable in very many Hebrew names,"
Vol. 7, p. 680.
(as seen below, Ancient Paleo Hebrew;
read from right to left)
Christianity Emphasizes on the Church
Taken from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_James_Version in the section Considerations for a new version.
“Further, the King gave the translators instructions designed to guarantee that
the new version would conform to the ecclesiology
of the Church of England.[6]
Certain Greek and Hebrew words were to be translated in a manner that reflected
the traditional usage of the church.[6]
For example, old ecclesiastical words such as the word "church" were
to be retained and not to be translated as "congregation".[6]
The new translation would reflect the episcopal
structure of the Church of England and traditional beliefs about ordained
Taken from http://www.excatholicsforchrist.com/articles.php?PageURL=quickcatholics.htm “At the end of the fifth century the Roman
Church was completely organized (Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. IX, pg.
Christianity Celebrates pagan
The celebrations of certain holidays
in American culture have their roots in pagan tradition, and have worked their
way into Christian tradition. Christmas is supposed to be the celebration of
Jesus’ birthday, even though almost every Christian will tell you that he
wasn’t born on or around December at all. Even though knowing this non-truth
Christians will continue to celebrate the holiday with no regard of even
knowing the true history of Christmas!
Taken from http://rcg.org/books/ttooc.html# in the section
Outright Paganism Blended into the
Church “New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, under ‘Christmas’: How much the date
of the festival depended upon the pagan Brumalia (December 25) following the
Saturnalia (Dec. 17-24), and celebrating the shortest day of the year and the
‘new sun’…cannot be accurately determined. The pagan Saturnalia and Brumalia were
too deeply entrenched in popular custom to be set aside by Christian influence…The
pagan festival with its riot and merry-making was so popular that Christians
were glad of an excuse to continue its celebration with little change in spirit
and in manner. Christian preachers of the West and the Near East protested
against the unseemly frivolity with which Christ’s birthday was celebrated,
while Christians of Mesopotamia accused their Western brethren of
idolatry and sun worship for adopting as Christian this pagan festival.”
Easter is also another widespread
Christian holiday that is said to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. But if
Jesus died on Friday evening and rose on (Easter) Sunday, that means he rose
from the dead after 1½ days; the scriptures say the Messiah rose after 3 days
& 3 nights. Though no simple math mistake, Christians still celebrate
Easter in the name of Jesus Christ.
Taken from http://rcg.org/books/ttooe.html “On this greatest of Christian
festivals, several survivals occur of ancient heathen ceremonies. To begin
with, the name itself is not Christian but pagan. Ostara was the
Anglo-Saxon Goddess of Spring” (Ethel L. Urlin, Festival, Holy Days, and
Saints Days, p. 73). “Easter—the
name Easter comes to us from Ostera or Eostre, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring,
for whom a spring festival was held annually, as it is from this pagan
festival that some of our Easter customs have come” (Hazeltine, p. 53).
As with Christmas and Easter, they were
both already widespread pagan celebrations, which over time because of the
spread and popularity of Christianity, were simple given a Christian name and
theme. This is also starting to be done with Halloween, which some Christian
institutions are starting to call “Fall Festival”, where kids can go to church
around the time of Halloween and receive candy, but with less Halloween
overtones of costumes, skulls, witches, ghosts, etc. Other holidays are
celebrated for Christianity and Christians don’t even know the real meaning for
them, such as Valentine’s Day, which pays homage to the Christian martyr
Valentinus but widespread this has turned into a romantic holiday and people
just exchange gifts to a loved one. And St Patrick’s Day where people only know
to wear green and celebrate by drinking, but it is to pay homage to St Patrick
whom converted people of Ireland to Christianity. But in actuality the
scriptures tells believers to celebrate certain feasts; Passover, Unleavened
Bread, Firstfruits, Shavu’ot, Trumpets, Atonement, & Tabernacles. Many
Christians don’t celebrate these holy days, and have given up traditions handed
to us from our Father in heaven for ones that are NOT found in the torah.
Christianity Emphasis on tithing/
Another big part of the Christian
church is paying ones tithes, where it is tradition to “give 10% of your income
to God”, which ultimately goes to the church. Prior to the Torah, Abraham gave
a tithe to Melchizedek and Jacob gave a tithe of 10% of all of his possessions
to Yahuah. After that, the torah required multiple tithes (Deut 14:22-29): 1) A
portion of ones crops to be given to the Levites. Because the Levites were
priests, they did nothing but their priestly duties, so the tithe was so that
they could eat. If the journey was too far for a person to bring their tithe to
the tabernacle, then one could substitute money. 2) A tithe to be taken to the
temple and then consumed by the person’s family. 3) A tithe to the poor. Past
that, churches have derived many ‘Christian theologies’ about tithing to a
church, many reasons like a “building fund”, supporting a pastor, supporting a
church & it’s mission, etc. This has led to the misappropriation of funds
to pay “pastors salaries”, build “mega churches”, atm machines in churches, and
any other way they can swindle money out of people. I was in church one day and
one of the ministers had said “we have a spiritual obligation to tithe”, which
is true, but not in the way that people have been told that Christians should
Taken from http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/14408-tithe in the 8th paragraph, in the section
‘Merit of the tithe’. The tithe for the poor gave rise to the tithing of one's
earnings, with the object of distributing among the needy the sum so appropriated.
This is inferred in Sifre (quoted in Tos. to Ta'an. 9a) from Deut 14:22, and is
therefore considered as an obligation imposed by the Mosaic law. Joel Sirkes in
his "Bayit Ḥadash" (to Shulḥan 'Aruk, l.c.), however, thinks
that tithing one's earnings is simply a custom and is not obligatory either
under the Mosaic law or under the rabbinical law. The whole of the tithe must
be given to the poor; and no part of it may be appropriated to any other
religious purpose (Shulḥan 'Aruk, l.c., Isserles' gloss).
Christianity Worships on Sunday and
not the Sabbath
The 4th of the 10
Commandments states to remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Though some
denominations of Christians worship on the Sabbath, the vast majority worship
on Sunday. Some people will say something like “the bible doesn’t say that you
have to worship (or go to church) on Saturday (which is the Sabbath)” or “I
don’t believe you should restrict yourself to worship on a specific day of the
week” or things of that nature. But actually the torah says: “but the 7th
day is a Sabbath day of complete rest, an official day of holy assembly”
Leviticus 23:3. But the truth of the matter is religious worship for Christians
in Roman Catholicism was changed from Saturday to Sunday by Constantine, which
carried over from century to century through the spread of Catholic
Taken from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunday
in the section Sunday In Christianity
“On 7 March 321, Constantine I, Rome's first Christian Emperor
(see Constantine I and Christianity),
decreed that Sunday would be observed as the Roman day of rest:[5]
On the venerable Day of the Sun let the magistrates and people residing
in cities rest, and let all workshops be closed. In the country, however,
persons engaged in agriculture may freely and lawfully continue their pursuits;
because it often happens that another day is not so suitable for grain-sowing
or vine-planting; lest by neglecting the proper moment for such operations the
bounty of heaven should be lost.[6]
In 363, Canon 29 of the Council of Laodicea prohibited observance of
the Jewish Sabbath (Saturday), and encouraged Christians to work on the
Saturday and rest on the Lord's Day (Sunday).[8] The
fact that the canon had to be issued at all is an indication that adoption of
Constantine's decree of 321 was still not universal, not even among Christians.
It also indicates that Jews were observing the Sabbath on the Saturday.”
Taken from http://www.excatholicsforchrist.com/articles.php?PageURL=quickcatholics.htm "Eusebius of Caesarea, the Father of
Church History must be counted among the enemies of icons. In several places in
his history he shows his dislike for them. They are a "heathen
custom;" he wrote many arguments to persuade Constantine's sister,
Constantia not to keep a statue of our Lord" (Catholic Encyclopaedia, Vol.
VII, pg. 669.)
Christianity will chastise you for
having sex before marriage or having a child/cohabiting before you’re married
Growing up as a Christian, one grows
up believing that it is a sin to have sex unless you’re married, and one should
save their virginity for marriage. And that it is a sin to have a child if
you’re not married or if you live with a significant other and you’re not
married. But in Jewish culture it was the daughter who was urged to keep her
virginity until marriage, but only at the request of the father. Since in
Jewish culture women were more or less considered a man’s possession, the
daughter belonged to the father until she was given away for marriage. Since
brides could be purchased from their family, they were worth more if they were
a virgin. And so it became an ancient custom for women to keep their virginity
as not to dishonor their parents, and if the daughter did have sex before she
was to be given away there was a law that covered that as well (Exodus
Taken from http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Judaism/sex.html
in the 22nd paragraph under the topic ‘Promiscuity &
Pre-Marital Sex’ – “Many people are surprised to learn that
the Torah
does not prohibit premarital sex. I challenge you to find any passage in the
Jewish scriptures that forbids
a man from having consensual sexual relations with any woman he could legally marry. It's just not there! Nor
is there any passage that requires a man to marry a woman after having
consensual sexual relations with her. The passage forcing a man to marry the
woman deals with rape (the man seizes her). It says nothing about consensual
relations. Some say that consensual sexual relations create a common law
marriage, which can only be dissolved through divorce,
though the law on this point is not clear.”
Taken from http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Judaism/premarital_sex.html
in the 2nd paragraph, “In biblical times, a man was not
prohibited from having sexual relations with a woman, as long as it led to
marriage. The Bible never explicitly states a woman and man may not have sexual
intercourse prior to marriage; therefore, no sanction was imposed for
premarital sex, but it was considered a violation of custom.”
Taken from, Jewish Living: A Guide
To Temporary Reform Practice by Mark Washofsky, (paraphrased) “Is it ever
proper for two unmarried, consenting adults to engage in sexual intercourse?
The Torah allows a man to form a stable sexual relationship with a woman other
than his wife. We do not ignore the fact that much sexual activity goes on
outside of wedlock and that has become a common practice for unmarried couples
to live together conjugally. The question we face as a religious community is
not whether to acknowledge this reality but whether we should sanctify it.
Shall we teach, in the name of the Torah, that these relationships offer a
legitimate alternative to marriage? None of this implies that we condemn those
who live together without benefit of marriage as ‘sinners’: we do not believe
this, and it offends us that others do.”
Taken from http://www.myjewishlearning.com/life/Sex_and_Sexuality/Premarital_Sex.shtml “The Torah does not outlaw it--as it
does many other types of sexual relationships--and the child of such a union is
not considered a mamzer (illegitimate). Nonetheless, marital sex is considered
ideal, and premarital sex is traditionally not approved of.”
Since Jewish Rabbi’s decided
themselves, that premarital sex is not holy, it was them whom made it Rabbinic
Law (in the Talmud) that it is illegal for a man & woman to have premarital
sex or cohabitate; even going so far as to make it unlawful for a man &
woman to be in a room alone together. Since the common religious follower goes
along with what a Rabbi (or priest, preacher, teacher) says about their
interpretation of the scriptures, this is why the vast majority find this to be
a “sin” or “against god’s will”.
Christianity considers extramarital
sex as adultery
In Christianity, adultery is defined
as a man or woman that has relations with someone other than their spouse, and
is dubbed “cheating”. But in Hebrew/Israelite religion and culture (which
Christianity comes from) one finds that is not what is considered adultery.
Taken from http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/865-adultery#anchor7 1st paragraph. “Sexual intercourse
of a married woman with any man other than her husband. The crime can be
committed only by and with a married woman; for the unlawful intercourse of a
married man with an unmarried woman is not technically Adultery in the Jewish
Taken from http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Judaism/adultery.html 1st paragraph. “The extramarital
intercourse of a married man is not per se a crime in biblical or later
Jewish law. This distinction stems from the economic aspect of Israelite
marriage: the wife was the husband's possession, and adultery constituted a
violation of the husband's exclusive right to her; the wife, as the husband's
possession, had no such right to him.”
If having sex with
another woman other than your wife been adultery, then it would have been
against Mosaic Law to have more than 1 wife; because according to Christianity,
the actions & emotions that lead to falling in love (or having emotions)
with another person is considered cheating. It also would have been against
Mosaic Law for men to have concubines, which are not wives; but both having
more than 1 wife and/or concubines was not considered a sin.
Taken from http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/12260-polygamy in the 4th paragraph under
Prophetic Attitude. “The Mosaic law, while permitting polygamy, introduced many
provisions which tended to confine it to narrower limits, and to lessen the
abuse that might arise in connection with it.”
Taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polygamy_in_Christianity “The first polygamist mentioned in the Bible
is Lamech, whose
two wives were Adah and Zillah (Genesis 4:19). Many important figures had
more than one wife, such as Esau (Genesis 26:34; Genesis 28:6-9), Abraham (Genesis 16:3, Genesis 21:1-13, Genesis 25:1, Genesis 25:6), Moses (Exodus 2:21; Exodus 18:1-6, Numbers 12:1), Jacob (Genesis 29:15-28), Gideon (Judges 8:29-32), Elkanah (1 Samuel 1:1-8), David (1 Samuel 25:39-44; 2 Samuel 3:2-5; 2 Samuel 5:13-16) and Solomon (1 Kings 11:1-3). Jewish polygamy clashed
with Roman monogamy at the time of the early church: When the Christian Church
came into being, polygamy was still practiced by the Jews. It is true that we
find no references to it in the New Testament; and from this some have inferred
that it must have fallen into disuse, and that at the time of our Lord the
Jewish people had become monogamous. But the conclusion appears to be
unwarranted. Josephus
in two places speaks of polygamy as a recognized institution: and Justin
Martyr makes it a matter of reproach to Trypho that the
Jewish teachers permitted a man to have several wives. Indeed when in 212 A.D.
the lex Antoniana de civitate gave the rights
of Roman Citizenship to great numbers of Jews, it was found necessary to
tolerate polygamy among them, even though it was against Roman law for a
citizen to have more than one wife. In 285 A.D. a constitution of Diocletian
and Maximian
interdicted polygamy to all subjects of the empire without exception. But with
the Jews, at least, the enactment failed of its effect; and in 393 A.D. a
special law was issued by Theodosius to compel the Jews to relinquish this
national custom. Even so they were not induced to conform."
Though a married
man doesn’t commit the sin of adultery by having sex with an unmarried woman
whom is not his wife; if ones marriage is based on a mutual understanding/vow
from the man & woman, that the man will only have sex with his (one) wife,
then if he breaks that vow he would be sinning by being a liar or deceitful.
Christianity Does not teach that the
Hebrews were/are Africans and people of color
Israel is located in the upper
eastern most part of Africa (not Asia or Eurasia). The Hebrews were indigenous
people of color in Canaan (later Israel) whom had different customs,
traditions, ideologies, etc. of that from Europeans. One needs to take that
into account and look at the scriptures from an ancient Hebraic point of view,
not a modern European-American point of view.
As you can see from this diagram of tectonic plates, Israel is located within the African Plate boundary, making Israel's factual geographic location "North East Africa". This can be apparent by any internet search of 'African Plate Tectonics'. Though this information is not taught widespread, the fact of this is also stated in Israel itself (at 0:34).
As you can see from this diagram of tectonic plates, Israel is located within the African Plate boundary, making Israel's factual geographic location "North East Africa". This can be apparent by any internet search of 'African Plate Tectonics'. Though this information is not taught widespread, the fact of this is also stated in Israel itself (at 0:34).
the Lemba people from Southeast Africa are more Jewish than European
Jews. In a particular Lemba Clan known as the Buba Clan, 53 percent of
the males carry the unique DNA signature of Jewish priests. Males form
the Lemba Tribe carry a higher incidence of the Jewish priestly DNA signature than the
European and American Jewish population
Christianity contradicts itself
If one takes a critical analysis of
Christian theology in comparison to what the scriptures actually say, one would
come across what would be contradictions. Contemporary Christian theology says
the old Mosaic Law is done away with and one must just follow the 10
commandments. If that is to be true, then look how many sins the 10
commandments don’t cover.
Christians are quick to say that
homosexuality is a sin, but it is not one of the 10 commandments; so according
to “Christian theology” that would be contradictory. If they then pointed to
what Leviticus 18:22 says about homosexuality, they are still contradicting
themselves after saying Old Testament laws are done away with. In lieu of not
referring to the Old Testament some will point to the New Testament writings of
Paul, but once again according to their own theology that still would be
There are also groups of Christians,
such as 7th Day Adventist, who follow some of the laws (not eating
pork, worshiping on Sabbath) but don’t keep other laws based on only having to
follow the 10 commandments. But the dietary laws are not a part of the 10
commandments, so their theology in contradicting.
The Messiah himself said, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the
Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them (Matt
5:17). The definition of fulfill is “to carry out as required, pledged, or
expected”. So Yahusha the Messiah didn’t come to abolish Mosaic Law, but came
to carry them out as expected. So to infer that after the Messiah came to do
away with Yahuah’s Laws, Commands, & Decrees AFTER perfectly showing us how
to live them, is contradictory.
is more “bible theology” based than scripture based
Christians will say things about
bible based topics like, “Using the sacred name of god doesn’t matter, as much
as you’re living through Christ”, or “It doesn’t matter if you call Jesus
Yahusha or not because his name is a translation to sound different in different
languages, or “I don’t care if Jesus was black or not, what matters is if
you’re saved through Christ…” or “Jesus did away with OT laws through the
cross, because god knew there were too many laws and we couldn’t possible keep
them”, and etc., etc… But when they say these things and you ask them, well
where in the bible does it say that; they cannot give you ANY specific quotes
from scripture! They will give you watered down version of a theology, or will
(attempt) to use a couple of other verses to form a theme that more or less
dances around the initial question. (If they even do that much. Most will not
be familiar with any of these topics)
Of course there are verses in the
scriptures that debunk all of these and other similar statements, but this can
all be simply summed up through the words of the Messiah Himself, “Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true
worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the
kind of worshipers the Father seeks.” John 4:23. If “God” or “Lord” is
NOT the TRUE name of the Most High of Israel, then it is the opposite, FALSE!
If Jesus if NOT the TRUE name of the Hebrew Messiah, then it is the opposite,
FALSE! If a white skin complexion was NOT Messiah’s (and the Hebrew Israelite
people) TRUE skin complexion, then it is the opposite, FALSE! If you are
worshipping the Most High of Israel, Yahuah and his son Yahusha the Messiah
under FALSE pretenses (an attempt to make something that is not the case appear
true), then according to the scriptures (not my own writings) you are not the
kind the Father seeks.
Christian bibles are inconsistent
with each other (sometimes) and have translation errors
Upon reading
different “versions” of Bibles, one will start to notice different Hebrew
and/or Greek words given different meanings depending on the Biblical source.
For instance Exodus 20:13 in the King James is rendered “Thou shalt not kill”,
but the Hebrew Masoretic text renders not to “murder” instead of “kill”. Also
the word “church” is not used in the original scriptures; just the word
assembly is used in the OT, but in the NT the Greek word “ekklesia” , which
also means assembly, is rendered as “church”. “Church” is not a Greek word, but
an Old English word http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=church
Taken from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_James_Version
in the section Possible Mistranslations. “The King James Version contains
several mistranslations; especially in the Old Testament where the knowledge of
Hebrew and cognate languages was uncertain at the time. Most of these are minor
and do not significantly change the meaning compared to the source material.”
Now some people have, such as the previous
statement above, said that the mistranslations are minor and do not change the
meanings. But in instances such as Song of Solomon 5:10 (KJV) “My beloved is white
and ruddy…” but the Hebrew Masoretic text says “My beloved is elegant and
ruddy…” has been used by those who would say that the Hebrew people were white
skinned people. Also in Matthew 9:20, the story that most Christians know about
the woman who touched the hem/edge of “Jesus” garment and was healed. But once
again the Greek rendering was the woman touched his tassel and was healed.
Changing that 1 word, in a way, denotes that the Messiah followed the Mosaic
Laws (Torah) found in the OT. Numbers 15:38 tells Israelites & believers to
wear tassels on the edges of your clothing. To say the Messiah “did away with
the Mosaic Laws when he died for our sins on the cross” is contradictory when
he himself followed the same laws; and that is a significant change in meaning.
Proverbs 30:5-6 “Every word of the mighty one is flawless; he is a shield to
those who take refuge in him. Do not add to his words, or he may rebuke you and
expose you as a liar.”
Taken from http://www.excatholicsforchrist.com/articles.php?PageURL=quickcatholics.htm "There
was need of a revision which is not yet complete, ranging over all that has
been handed down from the Middle Ages under the style and title of the Fathers,
the Councils, the Roman and other official archives. In all these departments forgery
and interpolation [transitive verb. 1. A: to
alter or corrupt (as a text) by inserting new or foreign matter. B: to insert
(words) into a text or into a conversation.] as well as ignorance had wrought mischief on a great scale"
(Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. XII, pg. 769.)
Seeing that there were words/phrases added
and removed from the bible (by mistake AND on purpose), sometimes one can only
speculate which bible is most proper to read from based on the most authentic
of correctly translated ancient scriptures.
Conclusion: I’ve said all this not to say that I
have given up on religion as a whole, instead I have a more clear understanding
of the religion of my (possible) forefathers. I have repented and denounced the
Religion called “Christianity”. When you take on a religion, you not only take
on that faith, but you take on the practices, theories, principles, and many
other aspects of that religion. Though I believe Christianity started off
righteous, it is clear that by the ushering in of Christianity through the
Roman Catholic Church, it then became perverted. I can no longer put my faith
in Christianity through these (and other) false pretenses, now that I have been
brought into the truth. These revelations did not come to me over night, as I
have been on a continuous, tedious journey of reading and researching since
2012. When deployed to Jordan, I was baptized in the Jordan River at the site
where it is said the Messiah was baptized, and from then on something in me
changed. One of my Best friends Jarret Troupe came into the same revelations
around the same time as I, and we would share information we learned with each
other. It was he that shared with me the name Yahuah (though I thought Yahweh
was the true name of ‘god’). I don’t really wish to put a label on my beliefs
when asked “what religion are you”. I am no longer Christian, I am not Jewish
though Jewish customs have root in Hebrew Israelite culture, and I am not Black
Hebrew Israelite though that would be the contemporary “category” one would now
place me. I am simply a Talmidim – disciple/ follower of the Most High, Yahuah and
his son Yahusha the Messiah and I follow His laws as given to His people in the
Torah. There is lots of material on these topics AND others, and I challenge
you to do the research yourself and draw your own conclusions. Shalom